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What is the pronunciation of Ramana Maharshi in Sanskrit?

  • ˈɾɐ.mɐ.ɳɐ mɐˈɦɐɾ.ʂi

  • ˈɾɐ.mɐ.ɳɐ mɐˈɦɐɾ.ʃi

  • ˈɾɐ.mɐ.ɳɐ mɐˈɦɐɾ.ʂɪ

  • ˈɾɐ.mɐ.ɳɐ mɐˈɦɐɾ.ʃɪ


The pronunciation of Ramana Maharshi in Sanskrit is "ˈɾɐ.mɐ.ɳɐ mɐˈɦɐɾ.ʂi". The first syllable, "ˈɾɐ", is pronounced like the "a" in "father". The second syllable, "mɐ", is pronounced like the "u" in "put". The third syllable, "ɳɐ", is pronounced like the "n" in "sing". The fourth syllable, "mɐ", is pronounced like the "u" in "put". The fifth syllable, "ˈɦɐɾ", is pronounced like the "h" in "hat".
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